Design and Implementation of Distributed Applications - 2020/20211st Year, 2nd Semester |
Slides (pdf)
Implement a G-RPC based chat application with the following components:
Server console application, ChatServer ,which registers clients and sends messages;
WindowForms cliente application, ChatClient, which sends messages to the server and displays the ongoing conversation.
The suggested client interface has:
a text box to write the server port, and a button to connect to the server,
a text box with the next message to be sent and a button to send it,
a text box with the conversation so far.
- See the sample G-RPC code.
- The new line change in Windows requires "\r\n" and not only "\n"!.
- For information on calling the Chat client GUI from the G-RPC server, see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/desktop/winforms/controls/how-to-make-thread-safe-calls-to-windows-forms-controls?view=netframeworkdesktop-4.8