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Contact information

PYFF6 Secretariat
Department of Bioengineering
Instituto Superior Técnico
University of Lisbon
Avenida Rovisco Pais, 1
1049-001 Lisboa

Tel: +351 21 841 9181
Fax: +351 21 841 9199

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Participant Information
Name *
Affiliation (Institution/Company) *
Email address *

Payment Information
Student Participant - 350€
Regular Participant - 570€
Are you attending the symposium dinner? - 55€
Are you applying to a young FEMS grant or to a EFB/Microbial Physiology grant?
Bank Transfer
Credit Card
Note: all bank fees regarding the attendee registration are to be supported by attendee.

Registration Invoice
The registration is only complete once you fill in the following form PYFF6-InvoiceRequestForm.doc
Please fill in only the fields marked with X, and upload it here:

Additional observations
Submissions are closed!
   PYFF6 Conference - 2016